Introduction of IIUS International Institute of Utility Specialist (IIUS) was established in 2013 as a non-profit making organization with head quartered in Hong Kong. It aims to promote and advance the knowledge and practice of underground utility services, and the creation and maintenance of a high standard of professional qualification in utility surveying, condition assessment & management, providing technical aspect standardization, personnel (utility specialists) recognition, course accreditation and organize annual conference “ICUMAS” in worldwide. Objectives Ø To promote and advance the knowledge and practice of underground utility survey, utility condition assessment and utility management profession; Ø To develop and maintain a high standard professional qualification for underground utility survey, utility condition assessment and utility management; Ø To provide technical advisory service on underground utility management for members of relevant utility professional and supportive advice for members of the public in general; Ø To facilitate exchange of opinions with other professional bodies on underground utility survey, utility condition assessment and utility management; Ø To promote professional ethics in the utility survey, utility condition assessment and utility management industry; Ø To build and develop the role and status of underground utility management profession in the community. Ø To cooperate and confer with, or otherwise assist and advise, government authorities, quasi-governmental organizations, public utilities organizations, universities, colleges and other public or private bodies or corporations in the utility management industry. |
國際管綫專業學會 國際管綫專業學會於2013年正式在香港成立為非牟利機構,其宗旨為推動及促進地下管綫行業的實踐及知識,制定及維持管綫測量的高標準度及專業資格、狀況評估及管理、提供技術性標準、人員(管綫專業監理師)評審及認定、課程認證及舉辦全球性國際管綫管理及安全會議。